Paradise - Pipe Tobacco, Coconut Bourbon, Leather

May 10, 2020 | 2 minute read

Note: I don’t make candles of this style anymore. I’m keeping this solely post for look-back purposes.

High: Pipe Tobacco
Mid: Coconut Bourbon
Base: Leather

Etsy Link

This 8 oz candle was made from All Natural Soy Wax. Its pearly white contrast against the deep amber sides provides a balance in its composition. It’s perfect for any living room and fitting for any occasion (Father’s Day, Christmas, Friendship Anniversaries, Easter).

In its center is a cotton wick that’s sized to produce a functioning melt pool.

Everything was put together by hand. From pasting down the wick to the melting of the wax, all was done within the vicinity of a tiny Brooklyn apartment.

As for decor, I have these jars littered all around my apartment, and I’ve found them best placed by exposed brick, on clean wooden surfaces, or near bright white walls. It also helps to have them set in a location accessible to natural light.

When lit, the amber does a great job of controlling the flicker to provide a neutral tone to its surroundings. Visual light tries to radiate uncontrollably but is filtered against the brown glass. Then if you peer from atop, the pale white wax glimmers as it crowds the edges — away from the blistering orange fire.

Silky white smooth top

Candle in packaging box

We work hard to refine and develop our candles, and we only wish you find joy from our passion.

If there are issues with the purchase, please reach out and I’ll do my best to find a solution.


“Candles built in Brooklyn.”